速報APP / 天氣 / Riskpulse Relay - Weather Risk Collabora

Riskpulse Relay - Weather Risk Collabora



檔案大小:7 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Riskpulse Relay - Weather Risk Collaboration for the Supply (圖1)-速報App

Relay replaces slow-moving communication methods like phone and email with a collaborative, real-time platform to manage weather risk. Provide teams with a platform to discuss threats, determine next steps to limit the severity of impact, and share operational status across the organization. Key features include:

Riskpulse Relay - Weather Risk Collaboration for the Supply (圖2)-速報App

RISK SCORING: Customized to your specific vulnerabilities, the Riskpulse Score (RpS) provides teams with a simple standard for measuring and highlighting weather risk by low (green), medium (orange), and high (red) levels of concern.

Riskpulse Relay - Weather Risk Collaboration for the Supply (圖3)-速報App

NETWORK-WIDE INFORMATION: Quickly access a list of the locations and transportation lanes threatened by a weather event.

Riskpulse Relay - Weather Risk Collaboration for the Supply (圖4)-速報App

STATUS & DISCUSSION: Easily flag at-risk scenarios, post status changes, comment, and invite others to join the conversation.

Riskpulse Relay - Weather Risk Collaboration for the Supply (圖5)-速報App

WORKFLOW REVIEW: Relay collects insights on events, response times, and activities to enable future process improvements.
